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Brothers Electronics is a promising online & Offline marketplace in Bangladesh. Here, customers can buy smartphones, laptops, and smartwatches of their choice, and sell them.
If you feel interested in buying a smartphone, laptop, smartwatch, Gadgets and accessories within your reach, you can order online or come to our Outlets of Brothers Electronics.
We aim to achieve maximum customer satisfaction by ensuring top-notch customer service. This is possible because “Brothers Electronics” works hard to satisfy its customers.
Satisfying customers, providing customers with the products they need, and staying true to the principle of “Customers Come First” has brought “Brothers Electronics” to the top of the e-commerce site and one of the largest computer and technology companies.
Brothers Electronics has two physical outlets across the country and we sell genuine technology products.
The Main goal and aim
we are here to help you with all your technology needs. We aim to provide all the requirements of our customers and help them satisfy their needs, wants, and desires. We are happy to see our customers happy and satisfied with our resilience in delivering their products. Our entire focus is on customers. We keep tabs and records on what our customers want, and we do our best to bring it to them.
Customer Satisfaction
We have been in the market for a long time, and we have come to know what the customers want and desire. We have made changes around our customers so that we will be able to fulfill the desires of each of our customers. We want to improve more and more to be able to give everyone their desired or dreamed products. We are providing online buying opportunities for our customers, and providing delivery service for all of our products all over Bangladesh. We provide the best after sells customer service to our customers to make them feel that we do care about their possession and provide them with the best solutions for their problems.
Services are being Provide
We are a Tech-based product seller. We are providing our customers with the best quality products at the most reasonable price. We have varieties of products that our customers can choose from. The product range starts from Apple MacBook, laptops, Phones, tablets, Gadgets, and accessories many other products.
Website for easy purchasing
Offline and Online Multichannel Shopping Center
EMI Facility
Exchange Offers/ Easy sell
Highest Client Service
Home Delivery all over the country
Day to Day delivery
Our Outlets Address:
MAIN BRANCH: Bashundhara City Shopping Complex
Basement-1, Shop No-31, Bashundhara City Shopping Complex, Panthapath, Dhaka.
Hotline: 01999982225 | 01763542993
BRANCH 1: Jamuna Future Park
Level- 04, Zone- A (West Court), Shop- 005B1-2, Jamuna Future Park.
Hotline: 01616669111
Opening Times
10:00 AM to 08:30 PM (Thursday to Monday)